Protein Purification Methods Based on Bioproperties (Affinity) : A
powerful method for separating the desired protein from others is to
use a biospecific method in which the particular biological property of
the protein is exploited. The affinity approach is limited to proteins
that have a specific binding property, except that proteins are
theoretically able to be purified by immunoaffinity chromatography,
which is the most specific of all affinity techniques. Most proteins of
interest do have a specific ligand: enzymes have substrates and
cofactors, and hormone-binding proteins and receptor molecules are
designed to bind specifically and tightly to particular hormones and
other factors. Immobilization of the ligand to which the protein binds
(or of antibody to the protein) enables selective adsorption of the
desired protein in the technique known as affinity chromatography. There
are also nonchromatographic modes of exploiting biospecific
Source: protein
purification blog
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